Monday 27 January 2014

Facebook - Liking for life points

Facebook-Liking for life points

I barely use Facebook anymore. When I’m idly flicking through my smart phone mid commute my finger hovers over the Facebook app with reserve. 
I have been using Facebook since 2006 and I have seen it go through many changes, layout, style, the linking of games (I was hooked on a little kitchen game for several months making imaginary spaghetti, not to mention one bizarre game where I was a vampire for a short time) and the improvements in technology; photos take mere seconds to load.
 But the advancements are not the reason I am hesitant.  No the reason for my distaste comes in the form of the bombardment of slogans/captions people encourage you to support or using the correct terminology…Like. If you use Facebook at any point over the last six months I am sure you will recognise what I mean. 
“Like if you support….*insert a cause*”, “Help the *insert cause* by Liking this post ignore if you don’t care”. This is usually followed by a sad emoticon, guilt trip. Other such variations include, the one I like to call the ‘horror story’ – BEWARE drinking/eating *insert name brand product* caused my cousins foot to drop off!” please share and stop this atrocity happening again!! Or WARNING washing my baby in *insert desired target* turned them into a wolf child. Like to get something done!! Did this happen? I doubt it. But with 5,000 likes surly the authorities must be involved?!  I hear you cry. No, because liking a small image gives it no more credibility than my imaginary spaghetti. 

The straw that broke the camel’s back for me was a ‘shock value’ slogan. These in my opinion are the worst offenders. They include an image of a grizzly scene in which some poor human/animal has met an untimely end. Then underneath it asks you to like the image. In my case it was a picture of a dead child. I don’t understand how anyone could find that appropriate to do something so light hearted as Like. 
The more positive of your FB friends may have posted something funny  like a comically dressed animal, baby doing a funny face, or something along the lines of how they cannot cope with the working week with the equivalent of the hang in there kitty picture.  
Sadly it seems that these sorts of slogans/captions are over taking this social media at an alarming rate. What’s even more worrying is the thought that the action of liking does some good. I’m talking real world good, change, support. It does nada. Nothing is gained from liking. Liking, is not a life point. It does not give you the ability to enforce law, change conditions or challenge conglomerates. It’s simply a button with a thumbs up; which from the content of most posts seems in bad taste.
However, I am hoping like many of its predecessors this trend will start to dip, ultimately giving into a wave of the next “like-able” action. 

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Phew! 22oC, flair? it's like Tatooine out there!- Star War Weather

This made me smile. Utterly pointless and just for a bit of fun for the Star Wars fan in you.
Simply type in your location and it will tell you which Star Wars climate the current temperature relates to. Enjoy!

Star wars weather

Thursday 18 July 2013

Polly Pocket wedding compact

As a child I loved polly pocket. I don't know why, as they were so fiddly the pieces often got lost/digested by someone ect. But I did. And it was a toy I asked for repeatedly.
I think it was because I could carry one compacts round with me, should I choose to do some away from home playing.
Anyway, whilst searching on the internet I came across this, I used to have and one, and I knew I would have to use at my wedding. I advocate everybody to have quirky junk at their weddings, not only to show your personality but as a good talking point.

The Polly Pocket wedding chapel compact OR if you want to get technical the 1989 - Bluebird Polly Pocket Nancy's Wedding day.  (I have no idea who Nancy is, just that she is the little bride figure).

Nancy is the tiny bride who looks similar to a toilet roll cover and her tiny husband who isn't very well attached in the middle, and of course Polly who is the little purple bridesmaid and the one who's outfit comes off best in this. Very sweet. 

The little chapel doors open (very carefully on mine as it's pretty old) to reveal a tiny congregation. Just in case you thought it was very small wedding.

Ebay sellers are flogging these items very cheap and in good condition should you be looking for some retro toys.

Wedding planning - Top ten points

Wedding season had started I get married in little over a month (eek!)
My fiancée and I got engaged in June last year and after some discussion decided to get married the following year, this year. I thought I would dispense some pearls of wisdom we have learned on our 14 month wedding plan journey. I have only done a short list of ten but trust me I could go on. I may have to do a separate one for the dress section alone! This is just an umbrella of wedding planning points. Enjoy!

1. Have a budget -don't live in dream world about what you can afford, be realistic make note of the things you really want and the ones you can negotiate on. Some things you are going to have to let go of.

2. The sooner you pick a venue the better - venues get booked up like hot cakes, especially weekends and bank holidays the sooner you get that place booked the better.
2b. Once you have booked the venue get your church, registrar, temple, wizard, who's ever marrying you booked too. You cant have one without the other on the day! 

3. Don't be afraid to tell people what you want - It's amazing how many wedding staff & family members believe you have to do your wedding a particular way. If you want a traditional wedding that's great, but equally if you want to be married by Gandalf the grey whilst wearing multi-coloured wedding dress that's great too, screw everyone else and just do it.

4. Don't be afraid to haggle/get a better deal - If you really like a certain supplier, photographer say, but they are slightly out of your budget, tell them what you can afford and they might just offer you a deal. We tried it and some cases it didn't work but with some it did!

5. Be prepared for the wedding tax - I loathed this one. The word wedding had an annoying habit of making the cost of items spring up by an extra "0". Don't let suppliers overwhelm you with the magic of weddings, if their goods are overpriced. Ask yourself what exactly am I getting for my money? If I saw this item/service on a normal day at this price would I tell the supplier to sod off? And ultimately can I get it elsewhere cheaper, better or do it myself? As unpleasant as it sounds people will try to rip you off whilst using your "special day" as an excuse.

6. People will let you down - *(This is a particularly poignant one for us as my fiancée was let down by someone only a few months ago). Family and friends will let you down. Not all of them of course, and the ones that don't will be your corner stone when your at the point of pulling your hair out. But it is one thing you have to learn to brush off and carry on. Not everyone is going to see your wedding as important, some might not even be happy for you. But these are the people you do not associate around wedding talk or planning as they just don't help and put a downer on things.

7 Beware of the woodwork! - And by this I mean, your second cousin twice removed from Belgium who you never liked and not spoke to for 10 plus years suddenly starts being your pal. And expects a wedding invite. At this point you say "tough", don't invite people for the sake of it. Your paying good money for that person to come, so ask yourself if they really deserve to be there. People will start popping out from the woodwork looking for invites. Be strong, stick to the people you want to invite because they contributed something to your life.

8. Be careful what you say -  This is pretty self explanatory, and falls under point 6. Be careful about what wedding plans you reveal to certain people. One lady told me how her cousin booked the day she had in mind for her wedding for herself. Don't give too many details away and wait till things are booked before giving dates. Nothing worse than someone trying to steal your thunder.

9. Dont do it all yourself -  Weddings are a lot of planning, co-ordinating and budgeting. Seek as much help as you can from your fiancée, friends, family, best man, bridesmaids, wedding organiser (if your lucky to have one) and suppliers. Heck there are even some pretty good wedding chat rooms for ideas and advice. They can help you make decisions and perhaps see something you didn't.

10. Have a day away from wedding stuff- Some days you will be sick of hearing the word wedding. At this point take a step back from it and leave if for a day or so. You cant be productive and you'll just plain hate it if you have overworked yourself. Take the time to enjoy a date evening with your fiancée or do something fun with friends. Avoid talking about it completely and tell them your having a day break from thinking about it. You'll feel a 100 times better and ready again if you do.

Wednesday 22 May 2013


Tea is something I cannot live without.
Seriously I cant.
It is the first drink I have in the morning and it usually the last one I have at night. I remember having tea in a bottle as a toddler. It is dispersed when friends come round to visit accompanied by cake and it is there as a comfort when things sucks. Because of my poor liquid in take and sore kidneys, I am only aloud a maximum of 3 cups of tea a day (I nearly punched the doctor when I was told this). Prior to this I would drink between 6 and 10 cups a day, a little much some might say. However, now I have a much deeper appreciation of my milky beverage companion. I often dream of a hot cup of builders tea when I'm downing one of my many pints of tasteless water through out the day (If I tell myself its wonderful, I might actually believe it). So here is my first blog on the wonders of tea and all its awesomeness.
Tonight's tea is a cup of Yorkshire tea, we actually bought these mostly to do with the fact my other half is from Yorkshire and less to do with the taste. However, that being said it is a lovely brew and as one of my 3 cups a day it definitely not wasted. Set up in 1886 they know how to make a mean brew.
As a drink it has nice soft flavour and not too floral.

 Behold my giant box of teabags and brew!

If you would like to know more about Yorkshire tea go here
They seem a pleasant bunch.
Oh my days! During this blog I discovered UK Tea Council they even have a tea gallery if you want to get serious. 

All this yaking has made me thirsty...time for a brew.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Stuff on my rabbit

Completely pointless but brilliant. This blog does exactly what it says; a rather cute fluffy bunny has a number of harmless and random objects rested upon them for our amusement.
Being a pet owner myself (Steve the house rabbit) I know exactly how tempting it is to play buckaroo on the furry one. Although the most I think Steve has endured is a tea cosy and a red pepper lid. Perhaps I will try more daring objects a spatula.


Tuesday 23 April 2013

Record store day at Beatniks Altrincham

I hope all your record store day celebrations were fun?

On Saturday I visited on its grand opening "Beatniks" record store and cafe in Altrincham, South Manchester. It a cosy place (hence picutre taking was tricky), with records stacked on the left of the shop, a heavily postered little alcove with record player and headphones for some selcuded sounds. The walls are arty and the furniture has a retro/re-cycled quality. The cafe offers pies, salads, cake, brownies (the fudge brownies called my name!) tea and coffees. I am particulary fussy when it comes to a good cup of tea, but whilst in there I enjoyed two cups in floral mugs. They also sell CD's, tapes, T-shirts and various art pieces. I thoughly enjoyed my time in there; the shop was busy, the atmosphere was warm and the staff very helpful. We bought a two tone mix album which we enjoyed later on. I enjoyed listening to the acoustic set in such a intitmate enviroment.  Situated opposite the market behind Altrincham's high street, I believe it will be good for the town and I sincearley hope this place does well. There isn't enough places like it.